Monday, September 10, 2012

It is a disservice attending conferences sowing ridiculous amounts of money and not having received practical spiritual information to apply daily. A conference without workshops on successful life lessons will only raise awareness or ignite a fire but will not be sufficient enough to show people what to do with it while it’s burning. When a conference is planned, keynote speakers are flown in and raise tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars then go back to their homes, having made little to any impact in the region. Jobs are not created, businesses not started, practical instructions on how to live empowered and productive lives in order to achieve goals are absent, but yet it was a powerful meeting that required a seed. What money goes back into the community for the use of empowerment projects? What did the people truly receive that will jump start economic revolution that’s capable of overflowing out of their local community into the global. The first conference Peter held drew three thousand people to salvation. With one letter, the writings of Paul changed nations. There wasn't a huge honorarium. They totally trusted the Lord and He supplied their needs. Can you imagine the level of impact these Apostles would make with the multitude of platforms and vehicles to distribute the gospel of Jesus as we have today? Their titles were justified through the great works they accomplished regardless of whether it was a multitude of people or encountering just one person that desired freedom. How much progress have we truly made? As Peter, who did not have to fast and pray because he spent three and a half years in the presence of the Lord walking, conversing, being educated, having dinner, or sleeping, he experienced the Lord and various regards outside of the routine of Sunday morning worship. Because of this level of relationship anytime Peter opened his mouth the power of the Lord filled the environment and people experienced the glory in such a way that wouldn't allow them to go home unchanged. As Paul and Silas offered up praises to the Lord, being bound in a natural prison, they invoked the presence of God so mightily that His spiritual presence brought natural liberation to their situation; relationship did this. It wasn't a microwave, drive through service where one would experience prayer (place an order), praise & worship (make payment), scripture lesson (receive meal), and closing prayer (thanks for coming/have a nice day) within a timely manner then drive off. It was quality time spent daily or personal relationship that led to a public display of private fellowship. The presence of God is more than just Goosebumps, a dance, shout, emotionally gratifying song led by the most talented/popular; or well articulated lesson that sends people home with no clue on how to effectively apply biblical principles to their daily living. It's not about intellectualism but most importantly relationship. Relationship on a personal level was the key to successful ministry publicly. Today people have become accustomed to major conferences and the run sheets of the talented, educated, and popular that they fail to realize the level of impact it actually made in the region held. The entire nation is in Recession, who will dare to change it or the people so that they aren't affected? Carnality does not bring Godly change. God can and has taken the least likeliest to show Himself strong through simply off of the strength of a relationship. Who's willing to submit their relationship to the Lord as a conduit for His strength to be shown? Religion and tradition always places people in a box that God cannot and will not fit in. When all of the walls of simply having church fall down, God will show up wherever one may be and He will provide instructions on how to get to the place where He abides; even showing how to lead all of His people to that place. The goal is getting to where He is through the vehicle of relationship not getting Him to where we are through traditional religious practice. (Sigh)